
We believe there's a set of potential opportunities for business combinations in a variety of the industry segments,within the entire food value chain. As the economy recovers and businesses reopen, we foresee a unique opportunity for many substantial platforms to quickly capture market share and expand operations, further accelerated as a public trading company with access to capital.
We intend to combine with a business that currently has moved, or is easily adaptable, to new approaches to the "better for you" and "better for the earth" food value chain. Health driven and enviroment dirven food purchasing outcomes will continue to command increased market share and related end-consumer satisfaction. We will also look for traditional, well-maintained food brands with strong growth potential.

The members of our team have a long track record of operating business in the food industry successfully and delivering consistent positive results to our shareholders. Collectively, we possess a wide-ranging set of competencies, in relation with the North American traditional and non-traditional restaurant industry, as well as a deep knowledge of how to structure deals and financial transactions, all resulting in an extensive track record of growth and creation of value.